
主题化是设计用户界面 (UI) 的关键要素。它能够在整个应用程序中应用一致的美观,从而增强用户体验并保持视觉统一性。

在 NextUI 中,我们使用 TailwindCSS 插件来简化和灵活地自定义主题。此插件基于 tw-colors 插件(由 L-Blondy 开发),它允许您自定义配色方案、布局配置以及应用程序不同组件中的更多内容。


在 NextUI 的上下文中,主题是一组预定义的颜色、布局属性和其他 UI 元素,您可以将其一致地应用于整个应用程序。主题确保视觉一致性,丰富用户体验,并简化应用程序外观和感觉的管理和更新。


使用 NextUI 主题功能的第一步是将 nextui 插件添加到 tailwind.config.js 文件中。以下是执行此操作的一个示例

注意:如果您使用的是 pnpm 和单一仓库架构,请确保您指向 ROOT node_modules

// tailwind.config.js
const {nextui} = require("@nextui-org/react");
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
// ...
// make sure it's pointing to the ROOT node_module
theme: {
extend: {},
darkMode: "class",
plugins: [nextui()],


将插件添加到 tailwind.config.js 文件后,您可以使用任何默认主题(浅色/深色)或自定义主题。以下是如何在 main.jsxmain.tsx 中应用这些主题

转到 src 目录并在 main.jsxmain.tsx 中,将以下类名应用于根元素

  • light 适用于浅色主题。
  • dark 适用于深色主题。
  • text-foreground 设置文本颜色。
  • bg-background 设置背景颜色。
// main.tsx or main.jsx
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom/client";
import {NextUIProvider} from "@nextui-org/react";
import App from "./App";
import "./index.css";
<main className="dark text-foreground bg-background">
<App />

注意:请参阅 颜色 部分以了解有关颜色类的更多信息。


nextui 插件提供了一个默认结构。它概述如下

module.exports = {
plugins: [
prefix: "nextui", // prefix for themes variables
addCommonColors: false, // override common colors (e.g. "blue", "green", "pink").
defaultTheme: "light", // default theme from the themes object
defaultExtendTheme: "light", // default theme to extend on custom themes
layout: {}, // common layout tokens (applied to all themes)
themes: {
light: {
layout: {}, // light theme layout tokens
colors: {}, // light theme colors
dark: {
layout: {}, // dark theme layout tokens
colors: {}, // dark theme colors
// ... custom themes



module.exports = {
plugins: [
themes: {
light: {
layout: {},
colors: {}
dark: {
layout: {},
colors: {}
... // custom themes


NextUI 支持嵌套主题,允许您将不同的主题应用到应用程序的不同部分

<html class="dark">
<div class="light">...</div>
<div class="purple-dark">...</div>


NextUI 允许您根据当前激活的主题应用 TailwindCSS 样式。以下是有关如何执行此操作的示例

<!-- In dark theme, background will be dark and text will be light.
In light theme, background will be light and text will be dark -->
<div class="dark dark:bg-gray-800 dark:text-white bg-white text-black">
<div>Text color changes based on theme</div>
<div class="light light:bg-gray-100 light:text-black bg-black text-white">
<div>Text color changes based on theme</div>

API 参考

下表概述了在 NextUI 中使用主题时可以使用各种属性

prefix字符串css 变量的前缀。nextui
addCommonColors布尔值如果为真,则常见的 nextui 颜色(例如“蓝色”、“绿色”、“紫色”)将替换 TailwindCSS 默认颜色。false
defaultThemelight | dark要使用的默认主题。light
defaultExtendThemelight | dark要扩展的默认主题。light



type ConfigTheme = {
extend?: "light" | "dark"; // base theme to extend
layout?: LayoutTheme; // see LayoutTheme
colors?: ThemeColors; // see ThemeColors
type ConfigThemes = Record<string, ConfigTheme>;


type BaseThemeUnit = {
small?: string;
medium?: string;
large?: string;
type FontThemeUnit = {
small?: string;
medium?: string;
large?: string;
tiny?: string;
interface LayoutTheme {
* The default font size applied across the components.
fontSize?: FontThemeUnit;
* The default line height applied across the components.
lineHeight?: FontThemeUnit;
* The default radius applied across the components.
* we recommend to use `rem` units.
radius?: BaseThemeUnit;
* A number between 0 and 1 that is applied as opacity-[value] when
* the component is disabled.
disabledOpacity?: string | number;
* The default height applied to the divider component.
* we recommend to use `px` units.
dividerWeight?: string;
* The border width applied across the components.
borderWidth?: BaseThemeUnit;
* The box shadow applied across the components.
boxShadow?: BaseThemeUnit;


type ColorScale = {
50: string;
100: string;
200: string;
300: string;
400: string;
500: string;
600: string;
700: string;
800: string;
900: string;
foreground: string; // contrast color
DEFAULT: string;
type BaseColors = {
background: ColorScale; // the page background color
foreground: ColorScale; // the page text color
divider: ColorScale; // used for divider and single line border
overlay: ColorScale; // used for modal, popover, etc.
focus: ColorScale; // used for focus state outline
content1: ColorScale; // used for card, modal, popover, etc.
content2: ColorScale;
content3: ColorScale;
content4: ColorScale;
// brand colors
type ThemeColors = BaseColors & {
default: ColorScale;
primary: ColorScale;
secondary: ColorScale;
success: ColorScale;
warning: ColorScale;
danger: ColorScale;